6 research outputs found

    On alleviating cell overload in vehicular scenarios

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    Fifth Generation (5G) networks will support countless new applications and new business models. One of the 5G paradigms is network slicing, which enables the integration of multiple logical networks each one tailored to the requirements of the different services that can be provided by both network operators and vertical industries. One of the services where 5G is expected to have a greatest impact is vehicular-to-everything (V2X) communications, which will have their stringent latency requirements now met. However, the mobility associated to vehicles can lead to cell overload compromising the required quality of service (QoS). To address this problem, in this paper we propose and evaluate the performance of three network overload alleviation techniques to control network congestion provoked by traffic jams using realistic vehicular traces in a network slicing environment. Firstly, we describe the architecture supporting V2X communications. Secondly, the network congestion control approaches are explained. Finally, after providing a complete description of the considered scenario, results will be detailed, showing that the network overload appearing during rush hour can be significantly reduced.This research was supported by the Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under grant/project CER-20191015 / Open, Virtualized Technology Demonstrators for Smart Networks (Open-VERSO).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Caracterització de la propagació a la banda de 60 GHz

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    Caracterització de la propagació a la banda de 60 GHzVehicular communications is a topic of interest in the race towards autonomous cars. Parallel, there is a future need to move towards higher frequencies in vehicular communications. In the same way, computer vision is becoming every time more used in automotive applications. In this thesis, I propose a system capable to track the position of a given car on a road with a camera and a wireless radio link in the V-band. For this I have developed some computer vision and image segmentation approaches with Gaussian mixture model for background estimation, erosion and epipolar geometry. Also, from a Vband wireless link and a signal analyser, a Doppler shift estimate has been obtained from a measurement campaign. Finally, a Kalman filter has been implemented for tracking the car?s position with a highly accurate performance

    UWB Radar per aplicacions biomèdiques

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    There is a need for non-invasive monitoring system of key cardio-pulmonary functions and other internal structures. UWB radar offers advantages for health monitoring applications: - Skin contact not required - Works through clothing and skin - Extremely high-resolution UWB able to detect sub-mm movement of internal structures - Insensitive to environmental conditions - Low-power transceivers are relatively inexpensive and easily miniaturized - Enables a new class of wearable/wireless health monitoring productsThe respiratory frequency is an important indicator in the medicine field that becomes more relevant in patients that must be monitored. Due to the global increase in the live expectancy, this number of patients also increases, so it becomes interesting to develop to sensors that can monitor patients who are not hospitalised. In this thesis, we extend the work from [1] to address the problem of monitoring in mobility scenarios. We explore different approaches to estimate and track the respiratory frequency of a patient that is moving in a room. A TOA estimator is used to obtain the position of the target from the received signal. Then, we use both a Kalman filter or a LMS filter to get the signal related to the chest movement. Finally, to obtain the breath rate we use a LMS filter and a AR estimator. Finally, some results are presented.La frecuencia respiratoria es un importante parámetro en el ámbito de la medicina, que toma mayor relevancia en pacientes que deben ser monitorizados. Debido al aumento global de la esperanza de vida, este número de pacientes también aumenta, de forma que resulta interesante acceder a sensores que permitan esta monitorización en pacientes que no se encuentren hospitalizados. En esta tesis, partiendo de la anterior realizada por Guillermo Rodríguez [1], se proponen diversas soluciones para poder hallar y controlar la frecuencia respiratoria de un paciente que se puede mover en una habitación. Para ello se usa un sistema radar basado en UWB y se aplican diferentes técnicas de procesado. Un estimador de TOA se usa para estimar la posición del paciente a partir de la señal recibida. Luego se usa o bien un filtrado de Kalman o un LMS para, a partir de la señal del paciente, obtener la señal correspondiente al movimiento del pecho. Finalmente, con un filtrado LMS y un modelado AR se estima la frecuencia respiratoria. Finalmente se presentan los resultados obtenidos.La freqüència respiratòria es un paràmetre important en l'àmbit de la medicina, que pren rellevància en pacients que han de ser monitoritzats. Degut al increment global de l'esperança de vida, resulta interessant accedir a sensors que permetin aquesta monitorització en pacients que no es trobin ingressats a un hospital. En aquesta tesis es continua el treball realitzat en [1] per incloure escenaris amb mobilitat. Es proposen diverses solucions per poder estimar i controlar la freqüència respiratòria d'un pacient que es pot moure a una habitació. Per fer-ho s'utilitza un sistema radar basat en UWB i s'apliquen diferents tècniques de processat. Un estimador de TOA s'utilitza per estimar la posició del pacient a partir de la senyal rebuda. Després s'utilitza o bé un filtrat de Kalman o un LMS per, a partir de la trajectòria estimada del pacient obtenir la senyal corresponent al moviment del pit. Finalment, com es feia a la tesis anterior, mitjançant un LMS i un modelat AR s'estima la freqüència respiratòria. Finalment, es presenten els resultats obtinguts

    Fahrzeugverfolgung mittels Datenfusion von Video und Dopplerverschiebung bei Millimeterwellen

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    Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprueftFahrzeugkommunikation ist ein wichtiges Thema im Kontext von autonomen Fahrzeugen. Parallel dazu besteht in der Fahrzeugkommunikation ein zukünftiger Bedarf nach der Verwendung von höheren Frequenzen. Ebenso wird Computervision in Automobilanwendungen immer häufiger eingesetzt. In dieser Diplomarbeit schlage ich ein System vor, das die Position eines Autos auf einer Straße mit einer Kamera und einer drahtlosen Funkverbindung im V-Band verfolgen kann. Hierfür habe ich einige Ansätze zur Bildverarbeitung und Bildsegmentierung mit einer Gaußschen Mischverteilung für die Hintergrundschätzung, Erosion und epipolare Geometrie entwickelt. Außerdem wurde von einer V-Band-Funkverbindung und einem Signalanalysator die Doppler-Verschiebung geschätzt. Schließlich wurde ein Kalman-Filter implementiert, um die Position des Fahrzeugs mit hoher Genauigkeit zu verfolgen.Vehicular communications is a topic of interest in the race towards autonomous cars. Parallel, there is a future need to move towards higher frequencies in vehicular communications. In the same way, computer vision is becoming every time more used in automotive applications. In this thesis, I propose a system capable to track the position of a given car on a road with a camera and a wireless radio link in the V-band. For this I have developed some computer vision and image segmentation approaches with Gaussian mixture model for background estimation, erosion and epipolar geometry. Also, from a V- band wireless link and a signal analyser, a Doppler shift estimate has been obtained from a measurement campaign. Finally, a Kalman filter has been implemented for tracking the cars position with a highly accurate performance.4

    Caracterització de la propagació a la banda de 60 GHz

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    Caracterització de la propagació a la banda de 60 GHzVehicular communications is a topic of interest in the race towards autonomous cars. Parallel, there is a future need to move towards higher frequencies in vehicular communications. In the same way, computer vision is becoming every time more used in automotive applications. In this thesis, I propose a system capable to track the position of a given car on a road with a camera and a wireless radio link in the V-band. For this I have developed some computer vision and image segmentation approaches with Gaussian mixture model for background estimation, erosion and epipolar geometry. Also, from a Vband wireless link and a signal analyser, a Doppler shift estimate has been obtained from a measurement campaign. Finally, a Kalman filter has been implemented for tracking the car?s position with a highly accurate performance

    Caracterització de la propagació a la banda de 60 GHz

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    Caracterització de la propagació a la banda de 60 GHzVehicular communications is a topic of interest in the race towards autonomous cars. Parallel, there is a future need to move towards higher frequencies in vehicular communications. In the same way, computer vision is becoming every time more used in automotive applications. In this thesis, I propose a system capable to track the position of a given car on a road with a camera and a wireless radio link in the V-band. For this I have developed some computer vision and image segmentation approaches with Gaussian mixture model for background estimation, erosion and epipolar geometry. Also, from a Vband wireless link and a signal analyser, a Doppler shift estimate has been obtained from a measurement campaign. Finally, a Kalman filter has been implemented for tracking the car?s position with a highly accurate performance